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Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0 (L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.)(1997).ISO
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The Trilateral Commission
Founded in 1973, this private, nongovernment organization considers a
wide range of subjects--the global economy, policy coordination,
governability, etc. The roster of October 6, 1992 names 311 members
from the three sides:
Japan 81
North America 94 *
Europe 136
"Europe" comprises Germany 23, England 21, Italy 20, France 18, Spain
15, Belgium 11, Netherlands 8, Ireland 6, Denmark 5, Portugal 4,
Norway 3, Austria 1, and Luxembourg 1.
* North American members (Canada 14, USA 80) may move among business,
government, and academic posts. These tables identify only one
interest and affiliation for each member.
BLACK Conrad M Media Chair/CEO, Hollinger Inc
BOSLEY John Politics Member, House of Commons
BOUEY Gerald K Finance Past governor, Bank of Canada
COHEN Marshall A Industry Pres/CEO, The Molson Companies Ltd
DEANS Ian Labour Public Service Staff Relations Board
DOBELL Peter C Politics Parlmntry Centre for Foreign Affairs
DROUIN Marie-Josee Ideas Exec dir, Hudson Institute of Canada
EYTON J Trevor Industry President/CEO, Brascan Ltd
FORTIER L Yves Law Partner, Ogilvy Renault
GOTLIEB Allan E Politics Chair, Burson-Marsteller
HENNIGAR David J Industry Chair, Crownx Inc
MACLAREN Roy Politics Member, House of Commons
SOUTHERN Ronald D Industry Chair/CEO, ATCO Ltd
TURNER William I M Jr Finance Chair/CEO, Exsultate Inc
Former members in public service
MURRAY Lowell Government leader in the Senate
WINEGARD William C Minister of State for Science and Technology
ALLAIRE Paul A Industry Chair/CEO, Xerox Corp
ALLISON Graham Ideas Faculty, Harvard University
ANDREAS Dwayne O Food Chair/CEO, Archer Daniels Midland Co
ARASKOG Rand V Industry Chair/CEO, ITT Corp
BERGSTEN C Fred Ideas Dir, Inst for International Economcs
BRADEMAS John Ideas Past president, New York University
BROWN Harold Ideas Chair, Jhns Hpkins Foreign Plcy Inst
BRZEZINSKI Zbigniew Ideas Faculty, Johns Hopkins University
BURKE James E Industry Past CEO, Johnson & Johnson
CALLOWAY D Wayne Food Chair/CEO, PepsiCo
CARLUCCI Frank C Finance Vice Chair, The Carlyle Group
CHAFEE John H Politics Senator from Rhode Island
CLINTON Bill Politics Governor of Arkansas
COHEN William S Politics Senator from Maine
COLEMAN William T Jr Law Partner, O'Melveny & Myers
CORRIGAN E Gerald Finance Pres, Federal Reserve Bank of NY
CROWE William J Jr Politics Past chair, Joint Chiefs of Staff
CURTIS Gerald L Ideas Faculty, Columbia University
DEUTCH John M Ideas Faculty, MIT
EINHORN Jessica P Finance Vice president, World Bank
FEINSTEIN Dianne Politics Past mayor, San Franciso CA
FELDSTEIN Martin S Ideas Faculty, Harvard University
FOLEY Thomas S Politics Speaker, House of Representatives
FRIEDMAN Stephen Finance Partner, Goldman, Sachs & Co
GARDNER Richard N Ideas Faculty, Columbia University
GERGEN David Media Ed-at-large, US News & World Report
GERSTNER Louis V Jr Food Chair/CEO, RJR Nabisco Holding Corp
GOLDSCHMIDT Neil Politics Past secy, Dept of Transportation
GORMAN Joseph T Industry Chair/CEO, TRW Inc
GRAHAM Katherine Media Chair, The Washington Post Co
GREENBERG Maurice R Industry Chair/CEO, Americn Interntnl Grp Inc
GUTFREUND John H Finance Past chair, Salomon Inc
HAAS Robert D Industry Chair/CEO, Levi Strauss & Co
HAMILTON Lee H Politics Member, House of Representatives
HORMATS Robert D Finance Vice chair, Goldman Sachs Internatnl
HOUGHTON James R Industry Chair/CEO, Corning Inc
JOHNSON Samuel C Industry Chair/CEO, S C Johnson & Son Inc
JOHNSON W Thomas Media President, CNN
JORDAN Vernon C Law Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, &c
KEOUGH Donald R Food President/CEO, The Coca-Cola Co
KISSINGER Henry A Ideas Chair, Kissinger Associates Inc
LABRECQUE Thomas G Finance Chair/CEO, The Chase Manhattan Bank
LEACH Jim Politics Member, House of Representatives
LEWIS Flora Media Columnist, The New York Times--Paris
LORD Winston Politics Past ambassador to China
MACMILLAN Whitney Food Chair/CEO, Cargill Inc
MAZUR Jay Labour Pres, Internatnl Ladies' Garment W U
MCNAMARA Robert S Finance Past president, World Bank
MURRAY Allen E Industry Chair/CEO, Mobil Corp
KEOHANE Nannerl O Ideas President, Wellesley College
NYE Joseph S Jr Ideas Faculty, Harvard University
OKSENBERG Michel Ideas President, East-West Center--Hawaii
OWEN Henry Ideas Fellow, Brookings Institution
PUTNAM Robert D Ideas Faculty, Harvard University
RANGEL Charles B Politics Member, House of Representatives
RAYMOND Lee R Industry President, Exxon Corp
RIDGWAY Rozanne Politics Past ambassador to German Dem Rpblc
ROBB Charles S Politics Senator from Virginia
ROCKEFELLER David Ideas Founder, The Trilateral Commission
ROCKEFELLER John D IV Politics Senator from West Virginia
ROSOVSKY Henry Ideas Faculty, Harvard University
ROTH William V Jr Politics Senator from Delaware
RUCKELSHAUS William D Industry Chair/CEO, Browning-Ferris Indstries
SHALALA Donna E Ideas Chancellor, University of Wisconsin
SHANKER Albert Labour Pres, American Federatn of Teachers
SCHULTZ George P Ideas Fellow, Hoover Institution
SMITH Gerard C Politics Past ambas-at-large/nonproliferation
SPERO Joan Edelman Finance Exec VP, American Express Co
STERN Paula Politics President, The Stern Group
STOCKMAN David Finance Partner, The Blackstone Group
TALBOTT Strobe Media Editor-at-large, Time
TARNOFF Peter Politics Pres, Council on Foreign Relations
THUROW Lester C Ideas Faculty, MIT
TUNG Ko-Yung Law Global Prctce Grp, O'Melveny & Myers
VOLCKER Paul A Ideas Faculty, Princeton University
WATTS Glenn E Labour Past pres, Communcatns Wrkrs America
WENDT Henry Industry Chair, SmithKline Beecham
WHITMAN Marina v N Ideas Faculty, University of Michigan
WILLIAMS Karen Hastie Law Partner, Crowell & Moring
WINTERS Robert C Finance Chair, Prudential Insurance Co
Former members in public service
BUSH George H W President of the United States
DARMAN Richard C Director, Office of Management and Budget
EAGLEBURGER Lawrence S Acting Secretary of State
GREENSPAN Alan Chair, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve Sys
HILLS Carla A Trade representative
RICE Donald B Secretary of the Air Force
SCOWCROFT Brent Asst to the Pres for National Security Affairs
--Transcribed and edited by Dale Wharton
(note 1) The Trialteral Commission (as of April 6, 1992).
* = Executive Committee.
Otto Graf Lambsdorf, Chairman
Garrett Fitzgerald, Deputy Chairman
Paul Revay, Director
North American:
Paul A. Volcker, Chairman
Allan E. Gotlieb, Deputy Chairman
David Rockefeller, Honorary Chairman
Charles B. Heck, Director
Akio Morita, Chairman
Yoshio Okawara, Deputy Chairman
Tadashi Yamamoto, Director
Isao Amagi, Special Adviser to the Minister of Education.
Naohiro Amaya, Executive Director,Dentsu Institute for Human
Studies; President, Japan Economic Foundation.
Yoshitoki Chino, Chairman, Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd.
* Koichiro Ejiri, Chairman of the Board of Directors and
Executive Director, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Shinkichi Eto, President, Asia University.
Shinji Fukukawa,Executive Vice President,Kobe Steel Co.,Ltd.
Norishige Hasegawa, Director and Counsellor, Sumitomo
Chemical Company, Ltd.
Taizo Hashida, President, Fuji Bank, Ltd.
Tsutomu Hata, Member of the Diet.
Gen Hirose, Honorary Chairman, Nippon Life Ins. Co., Ltd.
Tetsuya Horie, President, The Long Term Credit Bank of
Japan, Ltd.
* Takashi Hosomi, Chairman, NLI Research Institute; former
Chairman, The Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund.
Hosai Hyuga,Honorary Chairman,Sumitomo Metal Industries,Ltd.
Shin`ichi Ichimura, Vice-Chancellor and Director, Institute
of International Relations, Osaka International University
Kaoru Inouye, Chairman os the Senate Executive Committee,
Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Ltd.
Takashi Ishihara, Chairman, Nissan Motor Company Ltd.
Rokuro Ishikawa, Chairman, Kajima Corporation.
Fuji Kamiya, Professor, Toyo-Eiwa Women's University,
Visiting Professor, Keio University.
Kenichi Kamiya, Director and Counsellor, The Mutsui Taiyo
Kobe Bank, Ltd.
* Yusuke Kashiwagi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bank
of Tokyo, Ltd.
Koichi Kato, Member of the Diet.
Kenji Kawakatsu, Chairman, Sanwa Bank, Ltd.
Toshi Kitamura, Executive Vice-President and Director,
Hitachi, Ltd.
Koji Kobayashi, Chairman Emeritus & Representative Director,
NEC Corporation.
Soichiro Kobayashi, Chairman of the Board of Directors,
Kansai Electric Power Company, Inc.
* Yotaro Kobayashi, President, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.
Masataka Kosaka, Professor of Political Science, Kyoto Univ.
Shonosuke Maeda, President, Toray Industries, Inc.
* Minoru Makihara, Chairman, Mitsubishi International
Corp.; Senior Managing Director, Mitsubishi Corp.
Michiya Matsukawa, Senior Adviser to the President, Nikko
Securities Company, Ltd. (end of note1)
2159 hrs.est Regards, Betty
Isamu Miyazaki, Chairman, Daiwa Institute of Research Ltd.
* Kiichi Miyazawa, Member of the Diet.
Masaya Miyoshi, Director General & Senior Managing Director,
Keidanten (Federation of Economic Organizations of Japan)
Yuzaburo Mogi, Executive Managing Director, Kikkoman Corp.
* Akio Morita, Chairman and CEO, Sony Corporation.
Moriyuki Motono, Adviser to the Board, Nomura Securities
Co., Ltd.
Takashi Mukaibo, Acting Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission;
former President, Tokyo University.
Jiro Murase, Managing Partner, Marks, Murase & White.
* Minoru Murofushi, President, C. Itoh & Co., Ltd.
Yonosuke Nagai, Professor of Political Science, Aoyama Gakum
Eiichi Nagasu, Member of the Diet.
Nobuyuki Nakahara, President, Tonen Corporation.
Kaneo Nakamura, Chairman, The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Toshio Nakamura, Counsellor, Mitsubishi Bank, Ltd.
Masashi Nishihara, Professor of International Relations,
National Defense Academy.
Teruo Hoguchi, President and Director, Koa Oil Co., Ltd.
Toshiaki Ogasawara, Publisher-Chairman, The Japan Times,
Ltd.; Presidnet, Nifco Inc.
Akira Ogata, Jornalist; Trustee, Matsushita International
Sumio Okahashi, Senior Adviser, Sumitomo Corporation.
Mitsuyoshi Okano, President, The Suruga Bank, Ltd.
* Yoshio Okawara, Executive Adviser, Keidanten (Federation
of Economic Organizations in Japan); former Ambassador to
the United States.
Saburo Okita, Chairman, Institute for Domestic and
International Policy Studies (IDIPS); former Minister for
Foreign Affairs.
Ariyoshi Okumura, President and Chief Executive, IBJ Capital
Management Co., Ltd.
Shoichi Saba, Adviser to the Board, Toshiba Corporation.
* Kiichi Saeki, Deputy Chairman, International Institute for
Global Peace.
Yutaka Saito, President, Nippon Steel Corporation.
Keizo Saji, President, Suntory, Ltd.
Seizaburo Sato, Professor of Political Science, University
of Tokyo; Acting Director, International Institute for
Global Peace.
Masahise Shibusawa, Director, East-West Seminar.
Motoo Shiina, President, The Policy Study Group; former
Member of the Diet.
Takeo Shiina, President and CEO, IBM Japan, Ltd.
Tatsuo Shoda, Honorary Chairman, The Nippon Credit Bank, Ltd
Tesuo Suzuki, President, HOYA Corporation.
Setsuya Tabuchi, Chairman, Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Tsuyoshi Takagi, Deneral Secretary, ZENSEN (The Japanese
Federation of Textile, Garment, Chemical, Mercantile and
Allied Industry Workers' Unions).
Sotoo Tatsumi, President, Sumitomo Bank, Ltd.
Toshihiro Tomabechi, Auditor, Toppan Moore Co., Ltd.
Eiji Toyoda, Chairman, Toyota Motor Corporation.
Keiya Toyonaga, Senior Managing Director, Matsushita
Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Seiji Tsutsumi, Cjairman, Saison Corporation.
1539 hrs.est 10/31 Remaining Japanese members on note 3>>>>>
Hisamitsu Uetani, Chairman Emeritus, Yamaichi Securities
Company, Ltd.
Shoji Umemura, Chairman of the Board, Nikko Securities
Company, Ltd.
Etsuya Washio, President, Japan Fed. of Steel Workers' Union
Fumio Watanabe, Counsellor, Tokio Marine & Fire Ins.Co, Ltd.
Takeshi Watanabe, Chairman, The Non-Life Insurance Instiute
of Japan; former President, Asian Development Bank.
Tadashi Yamamoto, President, Japan Center for International
* Isamu Yamashita, Former Japanese Chairman, The Trilateral
Commission; Chairman, East Japan Railway Company; Senior
Adviser, Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
Masamoto Yashiro, Country Corporate Officer, Citibank, NA.
Bunroku Yoshino, Chairman, Institute for International
Economic Studies; former Ambassador to the Federal
Republic of Germany.
* Executive Committee.
Umberto Agnelli, Vice Chairman, Fiat, Turin; Chairman, The
Vienna International Council; Member of the European
Roundtable of Industrialists.
Michel Albert, Chairman, Assurances Generales de France;
former High Commissioner of the French Planning Agency.
Lord Armstrong of Ilminster, Director, The R.T.Z. Corp.,
Giovanni Auletta Armenise, Chairman, Banca Nationale dell'
Agricultura Rome.
Raymond Barre, Member of National Assembly; former Prime
Minister of France.
Johannes Bartelds, Chairman of the Executive Board, Amev,
Piero Bassetti, Chairman of the Federation of Italian
Chambers of Commerce; Vice-Chairman, Eurochambres; former
Member of Chamber of Deputies.
Jean Bergougnoux, Director General, French Electricity Board
(EDP), Paris.
Georges Berthoin, Former European Chairman, The Trilateral
Commission; International Honorary Chairman, European
Kurt Biedenkopf, Minister President of the Free State of
Saxony; former Member of the German Bundestag.
Ritt Bjerregaard, Member of Danish Parliament; Chairman,
Social Democratic Parliamentary Group; former Minister of
Education & Minister of Social Affairs.
Claudio Boada Vilallonga, Chairman, Banco Hispano-Americano,
Marcel Boiteux, Honorary Chairman, French Electricity Board,
Pierre Callabaut, Chairman, Amylum, Brussels; former
Chairman, Belgium Federation of Agriculture & Food
Umberto Capuzzo, Former Chief of Staff of the Army; Military
Counselor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rome.
Herve' de Carmoy, Chairman, Eresy; Adviser to the Chairman,
HR Finances, Paris.
Jaime Carvajal Urquijo, Chairman, Iberfomento; Chairman,
Ford Espana, Madrid.
2258 hrs.est 10/31 CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>
(note 5) Trilateral Commission members as of 4/6/92.
Niels W. Holm, Chairman, Ramboll & Hannemann; Virum; Vice
Chairman., J. Lauritzen Holding; Director, Teledanmark,
Karl-Heinz Hornhues, Member of the German Bundestag; Deputy
Chairman, CDI/CSU Parliamentary Group.
David Howell, Member of British Parliament and Chairman of
the Foreign Affairs Committee; former Cabinet Minister.
Ludwig Huber, Lawyer; former Chairman of the Board, Bavarian
State & Central Deposit Bank, Munich; former Minister of
State of Bavaria.
Claude Imbert, Editor-in-Chief & Managing Director, LePoint,
Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary General,Norwegian Labour Party.
Horst K. Jannott, Chairman of Executive Board, Munich
Reinsurance Company.
Baron Daniel Janssen, Chairman, Executive Committee, Solvay
& Co., Brussels.
Baron Paul-Emmanuel Janssen, Chairman of the Board of
Directors, Generale de Banque, Brussels.
Reimut Jochimsen, President, Central Bank of the Northrhine-
Westphalia, Dusseldorf.
Alain Jolly, Member of the Board & Managing Directors, Air
Liquide, Paris.
Jacques Julliard, Associate Director, Le Nouvel Observateur,
Karl Kaiser, Director, Research Institute of the German
Society for Foreign Affairs; Professor, Univ. of Cologne.
Justin Keating,Former Irish Minister of Industry & Commerce;
former Leader of the Labour Party in the Senate; former
Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, U. College, Dublin.
Walther Leisler Kiep, Treasurer of the Christian Democratic
Party & Chairman of the "Atlantik Brucke"; Senior Partner
Gradmann & Holler, Frankfurt.
Norbert Kloten, President, Central Bank, Land of Baden-
Wurttemberg, Stuttgart.
Max Kohnstamm, Former President, European University
* Count Otto Lambsdorff, Chairman, Free Democratic Party;
Member of German Bundestag; President, Liberals
International; former Federal Minister of Economics.
Liam Lawlor, Member of the Irish Dail.
Cees van Lede, Member of the Board, Akzo; former President,
Federation of Netherlands Industry.
Alan Lee Williams, Warden & Chief Executive, Toynbee Hall,
London; former Member of British Parliament.
Klaus Dieter Leister, Chairman, Westdeustsche Landesbank,
Arrigo Levi, Political Columnist, Corriere della Sera, Rome.
Andre' Levy-Lang, Chairman of the Board of Management,
Compagne Financiere Paribas, Paris.
Andre' Leysen, Chairman, Agfa Gevaert, Antwerp; Chairman,
Supervisory Board, Hapag Lloyd, Hamburg.
Roderick MacFarquhar, Professor of Government, Harvard
University; former Member of British Parliament.
Carlos March Delgado, Chairman, Banca March; Vice Chairman,
Juan March Foundation, Madrid.
Gilles Martinet, Ambassador de France; President, Assoc.
for the European Cultural Community, Paris.
1253 hrs.est 11/1 CONTINUED>>>>>>>
Jean-Claude Casanova, Professor of Economics, Institute of
Poltical Studies, Paris; Editor, Commentaire.
Fausto Cereti, Chairman & CEO, Alenia, Rome.
Jose Luis Ceron Ayuso, Former Spanish Minister of Trade;
Chairman of ASETA, Madrid.
Willy de Clercq, Member of the European Parliament; Chairman
Commission on Foreign Economic Relations; Former Vice
President, Commission of European Communities, Brussels.
Umberto Colombo, Chairman, National Committee of Nuclear
Energy (ENEA), Rome.
Richard Conroy, Chairman, Conroy Petroleum; Member of Senate
Irish Republic.
Alain Cotta, Professor of Economics & Management,U. of Paris
Sir Robert Crichton-Brown, Former Chairman, Rothmans
International, London.
Michel David-Weill, Senior Partner, Lazard Freres, Paris &
New York.
Viscount Etienne Davignon, Chairman, Societe Generale de
Belgique, former Vice-President of the Commission of the
European Communities.
Guido Declercq, Chairman, FIDISCO, INVESTCO and BENEVENT,
Brussels; Honorary General Administrator, Kath University
Jean Deflassieux, Chairman, Banque des Exchanges
Internationaux; Honorary Chairman, Credit Lyonnais, Paris
Paul Delouvrier, Former Chairman, Public Authority for the
Development of the Parc de la Villette; former Chairman,
French Electricity Board, Paris.
Ottaviano Del Turco, Deputy Secretary General, Italian
General Confederation of Labour (C.G.I.L.), Rome.
Jean Dromer, Chairman, Financiere Agache, Paris.
Robert Evans, Chief Executive & Member of the Board, British
Gas Corporation.
Oscar Fanjul, Chairman, Repsol; Chairman, Instituto Nacional
de Hidrocarburos, Madrid.
* Julio Feo, Chairman, Consutores de Communicacion y
Direccion, Madrid; former Secretary General, Presidency
of the Spanish Government.
Carlos Ferrer, Chairman, Ferrer International; Chairman,
Bank of Europe, Barcelona; President, UNICE, Brussels;
former Chairman, Spanish Employers' Confederation.
* Garret FitzGerald, Member of Irish Dail; former Prime
* Antonio Garrigues Walker, Senior Partner, J & A Garrigues,
Giuseppe Gazzoni Frascara, Chairman & Managing Director,
Gazzoni; President, Federation of Italian Food Industries
John Gilbert, Member of British Parliament, London.
* Baron Jacques Groothaert, Honorary Chairman of the Board,
Generale de Banque, Brussels; Honorary Ambassador of
Sir William Harding, Director, Lloyds Bank, London; former
British Ambassador.
Earl of Harrowby, Chairman, The Private Bank, London.
Miguel Herrero de Minon, Member of Spanish Parliament.
Jan Hinnekens, Chairman, Belgian Boerenbond; Member, Board
of Directors, National Bank of Belgium.
Diether Hoffman, Lawyer, Frankfurt; former Chairman, Neue
Heimat, Hamburg; former Chairman, Bank fur
Gemeinwirtschaft. 1208 hrs.est 11/1 CONTINUED>>>>>>>
(note 6) Trilateral Commission members as of 4/6/92.
Ebehard Martini, President, Association of German Banks,
Baverische Hypotheken-und Weschel Bank, Munich.
Rui Mateus, Chairman, Emaudio International; President, The
Foundation for International Relations, Lisbon.
Count Albrecht Matuschka, Chairman, Matuschka Group, Munich.
Hanns W. Maull, Professor of International Relations, Univ.
of Trier; European Rep., Japan Center for Int. Exchange.
Cesare Merlini, Chairman, Institute for International
Affairs, Rome.
Thierry de Monthrial, Professor, Ecole Polytechnique;
Director, French Institute for International Relations.
* Mario Monti, Dean, Bocconi University, Milan.
Preben Munthe, Professor of Economics, University of Oslo;
Counselor, Norwegian Nobel Institute.
Klaus Murmann, Chairman, Federation of German Employers'
Association (BDA), Cologne.
Karl-Heinz Narjes, Former Vice President of the Commission
of the European Communities.
Sir Edwin Nixon, Deputy Chairman, National Westminster Bank,
Humphrey Norrington, Vice Chairman, Barclays Bank, London.
* Egidio Ortona, Honorary Chairman, Bull Italia, Rome;
former Italian Ambassador to the United States.
David Owen, Member of British Parliament; Leader of the
Social Democratic Party (SDP); former Foreign Secretary.
* Sir Michael Palliser, Chairman, Samuel Montagu & Co.;
former Permanent Under-Secretary of State; Foreign &
Commonwealth Office, London.
Michael Perry, Vice Chairman & Member of the Special
Committee, Unilever, London
Ilidio de Pinho, Chairman, COLEP, Lisbon.
Francisco Pinto Balsemao, Member of Portugese Parliament;
former Prime Minister.
Giuseppe Ratti, Director, Coe & Clerici, Geneva.
Klaus Richter, Honorary President, National Federation of
German Wholesale & Export Traders, Bonn.
Sir Julian Ridsdale, Member of British Parliament; Chairman,
of the Anglo-Japanese Parliamentary Group.
Lord Rippon of Hexham, President, INVESCO MIM; Chairman,
Unichem, London; former Chancellor Duchy of Lancaster.
Giantelice Rocca, Chairman of Technint, Milano.
Lord Roll of Ipsden, President, S.G. Warburg Group, London.
Sergio Romano, Editorialist, Rome; former Italian
John Roper, Director, Institute for Security Studies,
Western European Union; former Member of British
Francois de Rose, Ambassdor de France; former Permanent
Representative to NATO.
H. Onno Ruding, Chairman of the Netherlands Christian
Federation of Employers, The Hague; Vice President,
Citicorp; former Dutch Finance Minister.
Renato Ruggiero, Former Italian Minister of Foreign Trade;
Director of the Board, Fiat, Turin.
Antxon Sarasqueta, Senior Columnist; Director, Institute for
International Relations, Madrid.
Paolo Savona, Chairman, Fondo Interbancario di Garanza, Rome
Professor of Political Economy.
Gerard van Schaik, Chairman, Heineken Breweries, Amsterdam.
1338 hrs.est 11/1 CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>
(note 7) Trilateral Commission members as of 4/6/92.
* Willam Scherpenhuijsen, Chairman, NMB-Postbank Group,
Joergen Schleimann, Managing Director & Chief Executive,
"TV 2", Denmark.
Ronaldo Schmitz, Member of the Board of Managing Directors,
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt.
Pedro Schwartz, Executive Vice President, National Economic
Research Associates, Madrid; Member of the Board of
Directors, Iberagentes Brokers; Professor of Economics,
Madrid University.
Jose' Antonio Segurado, Chairman, Fundacion Jose Canalejas,
Madrid; Founding Chairman, Madrid Employers Confederation
(CEIM); former Member of Spanish Parliament.
* Peter Shore, Member of British Parliament.
Sergio Siglienti,Chairman, Banca Commerciale Italiano,Milan.
Umberto Silvestri, Managing Director & CEO, STET, Rome.
Henri Simonet, Member of Belgian Senate; former Belgian
Minister for Foreign Affairs & Vice President of the
Commission of the European Communities, Brussels.
John Smith, Member of British Parliament; Shadow Counsellor
of the Excheqeur.
Theo Sommer, Editor-in-Chief, Die Zeit, Hamburg.
* Myles Staunton, Member of Senate, Irish Republic.
* Dietrich Stobbe, Senior Consultant, Arthur D. Little
International, Berlin; former Mayor of Berlin.
Peter Sutherland, Chairman, Allied Irish Bank Group; former
Vice President of the European Commission.
Poul John Svanholm, President & Group CEO, Carlsberg,
Sir John Swire, Honorary President & Executive Director,
John Swire & Sons, London.
Marques de Tamaron, Director, Centre for Foreign Policy
Studies, Madrid.
Sir Peter Tapsell, Member of British Parliament.
Geffrey W. Taylor, Chairman, Daiwa Europe Bank; former Group
Chief Executive, Midland Bank, London.
Jacques Thierry, Chairman of the Board, Banque Bruxelles
Lambert; Chairman of the Board, Artois Piedboeuf
Interbrew, Brussels.
Gaston Thorn, Chairman, Banque Internationale a Luxembourg;
former President of the Comm. of European Communities.
* Niels Thygesen, Professor of Economics, Economices
Institute, Copenhagen University.
Sir Charlse Tidbury, Member of the Board of Directors,
Whitbread & Co.
* Otto Grieg Tidemand, Shipowner, Oslo; former Norwegian
Minister of Defense & Minister of Economic Affairs.
Maarten Van Traa, Member of the Dutch Parliament; Foreign
Affairs Spokesman, Labour Party, Amsterdam.
* Antonio Vasco de Mello, Chairman, Sociedade de Reparacao e
Montagem de Equipamentos Industriais, Lisbon; former
Member of Portugese Parliament.
Simone Veil, Member of European Parliament; former French
Cabinet Minister; former President, European Parliament.
Jose' Vita Marsans, Chairman, Rhone Poulene Fibras,
Barcelona; Director, Banco Central, Madrid.
Karston Voigt, Member of the German Bundestag; Spokesman on
Foreign Affairs of the SPD Parliamentary Group.
1422 hrs.est 11/1 CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>
TIME: 11/01 4:10 PM
(note 8) Trilateral Commission members as of 4/6/92.
Joris Voorhoeve, Director Netherlands Institute for
International Relations, The Hague.
Henrich Weiss, Chairman, Confederation of German Industries
(BDI), Cologne.
Andreas Whittam Smith, Editor, The Independent, London.
Norbert Wieczorek, Member of the German Bundestag.
* Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Honorary Chairman, German
Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry; Chairman,
East Committee of the German Industry, Cologne.
Emilio de Ybarra Y Churruca, Chairman of the Board of
Directors, Banco Bilboa-Viscaya, Madrid.
Arie van der Zwan, Chairman, World Software Group,The Hague.
* Executive Committee.
Paul A. Allair, Chairman & CEO, Xerox Corporation.
Graham Allison, Douglas Dillon Professor of Government, John
F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Dwayne O. Andreas, Chairman of the Board & CEO, Archer
Daniels Midland Company.
Rand V. Araskog, Chairman & CEO, ITT Corporation.
C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Institute for International
Economics; former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
for International Affairs.
Conrad M. Black, Chairman & CEO, Hollinger Inc., Toronto.
John Bosley, Member of Canadian House of Commons & Chairman
of the Standing Committee on External Affairs & Inter-
national Trade; former Speaker of the House of Commons.
Gerald K. Bouey, Former Governor of the Bank of Canada.
John Brademas, President Emeritus, New York University;
former Member of the US House of Representatives.
Harold Brown, Chairman, Johns Hopkins Foreign Policy
Institute, Washington, DC; former US Sec. of Defense.
* Zbigniew Bzezinski, Counselor, Center for Strategic &
International Studies, Robert Osgood Professor of
American Foreign Affairs, The Paul Nitze School of
Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins Univ.;
former Asst. to the President for Nat. Security Affairs.
James E. Burke, Chairman of the Board & CEO Emeritus,
Johnson & Johnson.
D. Wayne Calloway, Chairman & CEO, PepsiCo.
Frank C. Carlucci, Vice Chairman, The Carlyle Group, former
US Secretary of Defense.
John H. Chafee, Member of the United States Senate.
Bill Clinton, Governor of Arkansas.
Marshall A. Cohen, Member of the US Senate.
* William T. Coleman, Jr., Senior Partner, O'Melveny & Myers
former US Secretary of Transportation.
E. Gerald Corrigan, President, Federal Reserve Bank of NY.
William J. Crowe, Jr., Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of
Staff, The Pentagon.
Gerald L. Curtis, Professor of Political Science, East Asian
Institute, Columbia University.
Lynn E. Davis, Vice President & Director of the Arroyo
Center, RAND Corporation, Santa Monica.
Ian Deans, Chairperson, Public Service Staff Relations,
Board of Canada, Ottowa; former Member of the Canadian
House of Commons.
John M Deitch, Institue Professor, MIT.
1504 hrs. est CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>
TIME: 11/01 10:18 PM
(note 9) Trilateral Commission members as of 4/6/92.
Peter C. Dobell, Director, Parliamentary Centre for Foreign
Affairs & Foreign Trade, Ottawa; Vice-President, The
Insitute for Reasearch on Public Policy.
Marie-Josee Drouin, Executive Director, The Hudson
Institute of Canada, Montreal.
Jessica P. Einhorn, Vice President & Treasurer, The World
Trevor Eyton, Member of Canadian Senate; President & CEO,
Brascon Limited, Toronto.
Dianne Feinstein, Former Mayor of San Francisco.
Martin S. Feldstein, President, National Bureau of Economic
Research, Inc.; George F. Baker Professor of Economics,
Harvard University former Chairman, President's Council
of Economic Advisers.
Thomas S. Foley, Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
L. Yves Fortier, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault, Barristers
& Solicitors, Montreal; former Canadian Ambassador &
Permanent Representative to the United Nations.
Paolo Fresco, Senior Vice President, General Electric
Company, London.
Stephen Friedman, Senior Partner & Co-Chairman, Goldman,
Sachs & Co.
Richard N. Gardner, Henry L. Moses Professor of Law &
International Organization, Columbia University; Of
Counsel, Coudert Brothers; former US Ambassador to Italy.
David Gergen, Editor-at-large, US News & World Report;
former US Assistant to the president for communications.
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Chairman & CEO, RJR Nabisco Holding
Neil Goldschmidt, Former Governor of Oregon; former US
Secretary of Transportation.
Joseph T. Gorman, Chairman, President & CEO, TRW Inc.
* Allan E. Gotlieb, Chairman, Canada Council; Chairman,
Burson-Marstellar, Toronto; former Canadian Ambassador to
the US.
Katherine Graham, Chairman of the Board, The Washington Post
Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman & CEO, American International
Group, Inc.
John H. Gutfreund, Former Chairman of the Board & CEO,
Salomon Inc.
* Robert D. Haas, Chairman & CEO, Levi Strauss & Co.
Lee H. Hamilton, Member of the US House of Representatives.
David J. Hennigan, Chairman, Crownx Inc.; Vice-Chairman,
Crown Life Insurance Co.; Atlantic Regional Director,
Burns Fry Limited, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Robert D. Hormats,Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs International
former US Assistant Secretary of State for Economic &
Business Affairs.
James R. Houghton, Chairman of the Board & CEO, Corning
Samuel C. Johnson, Chairman & CEO, S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.
W. Thomas Johnson, President, CNN.
Vernon C. Jordan, Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
Donald R. Keough, President & Chief Operating Officer, The
Coca-Cola Company.
* Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.;
former US Secretary of State; former US Assistant to the
President for National Security Affairs.
2152 hrs.est 11/1 CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>
TIME: 11/01 10:54 PM
(note 10) Trilateral Commission members as of 4/6/92.
Thomas G. Labrecque, Chairman & CEO , The Chase Manhattan
Bank, N.A.
Jim Leach, Member of the US House of Representatives.
Flora Lewis, Senior Columnist, The New York Times, Paris.
Winston Lord, Former US Ambassador to the People's Republic
of China; former President, Council on Foreign Relations,
New York; former Director of the Policy Planning Staff,
US Department of State.
Roy MacLaren, Member of the Canadian House of Commons;
former Minister of State (Finance); former Minister of
National Revenue.
Whitney MacMillan, Chairman of the Board & CEO, Cargill Inc.
Jay Mazur, President, International Ladies' Garment Workers
* Robert S. McNamara, Former President, The World Bank;
former US Secretary of Defense.
Allen E. Murray, Chairman of the Board, President & CEO,
Mobil Corporation.
Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Director of the Center for International
Affairs & Clarence Dillon Professor of International
Affairs, Harvard University; former US Deputy Under
Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science &
Michel Oksenberg, President, East-West Center, Hawaii.
Henry Owen, Senior Fellow on Leave, The Brookings
Institution; Member, Consultants International Group;
former US Ambassador-at-Large & Special Representative of
the President for Economic Summits.
Robert D. Putnam, Don K. Price Professor of Politics, John
F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.
Charles B. Rangel, Member of US House of Representatives.
Lee R. Raymond, President, Exxon Corporation.
Rozanne Ridgway, President, The Atlantic Council; former US
Assistant Secretary of State for European & Canadian
Affairs; former US Ambassador to the German Democratic
Charles S. Robb, Member of US Senate; former Governor of
Duff Roblin, Member of Canadian Senate; former Leader of the
Government in the Senate; former Premier of Manitoba.
* David Rockefeller.
John D. Rockefeller IV, Member of US Senate; former
Governor of West Virginia.
* Henry Rosovsky, Lewis P. & Linda L. Geyser University
Professor, Harvard University.
William V. Roth, Jr., Member of US Senate.
2226 hrs.est 11/1 CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>
TIME: 11/02 7:13 AM
(note 11) Trilateral Commission members as of 4/6/92.
William D. Ruckelshaus, Chairman & CEO, Browning Ferris
Industries; former Administrator, US Environmental
Protection Agency; former US Deputy Attorney General.
Donna E. Shalala, Chancellor, University of Wisconsin at
Albert Shanker, President, American Federation of Teachers.
George P. Schultz, Honorary Fellow, Hoover Institution,
Stanford University; former US Secretary of State; former
US Secretary of the Treasury; former US Secretary of
Labor; former Director, US Office of Management & Budget.
Gerard C. Smith, Former Head of Arms Control & Disarmament
Agency & Chief Negotiator of SALT I; former Ambassador-
at-Large for Non-Proliferation Matters.
Ronald D. Southern, Chairman, President & CEO, ATCO Ltd.,
Calgary; Chairman, Canadian Utilities Ltd., Edmonton.
Jaoan Edelman Spero, Executive Vice President, Corporate
Affairs & Communications, American Express Company.
S. Frederick Starr, President, Oberlin College.
Paula Stern, President, The Stern Group, Washington, D.C.;
former Chairwoman, US International Trade Commission.
David Stockman, General Partner, The Blackstone Group;
former Director, US Office of Management & Budget; former
Member, US House of Representatives.
Strobe Talbott, Editor-at-Large & Foreign Affairs Columnist,
Peter Tarnoff, President, Council on Foreign Relations, New
Lester C. Thurow, Professor of Economics & Dean, Alfred P.
Sloan School of Management, MIT.
Ko-Yung Tung, Co-Chairman, Global Practice Group, O'Melveny
& Myers, New York.
William I.M. Turner, Jr., Chairman & CEO, Exsultate, Inc.
Paul A. Volcker, Chairman, James D. Wolfensohn Inc., New
York; Frederick H. Schults Professor of International
Economic Policy, Princeton University; former Chairman,
Board of Governors, US Federal Reserve System.
J. H. Warren, Principal Trade Policy Adviser, Government of
Quebec; former Canadian Ambassador to the US.
Glenn E. Watts, President Emeritus, Communications Workers
of America.
Henry Wendt, Chairman, Smith Kline Beecham.
Marina vN. Whitman, Vice President & Group Executive,
General Motors Corporation.
Karen Hastie Williams, Partner, Crowell & Moring.
* Executive Committee.
That's the end of the active list. Former members next.
2259 hrs.est 11/1 CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>
TIME: 11/02 7:25 AM
(note 12) Trilateral Commission member as of 4/6/92.
Sadako Ogata, United Nations High Cimmissioner for Refugees.
Margherita Boniver, Minister of Immigration, Italy.
Jorge Braga de Macedo, Minister of Finance, Portugal.
Marc Eyskens, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Belgium.
Johan Jorgen Holst, Minister of Defense, Ireland.
Michael O'Kennedy, Minister if Agriculture, Ireland.
Virginio Rognoni, Minister of Defense, Italy.
Gerhard Stoltenberg, Minister of Defense, Federal Republic
of Germany.
Thorvald Stoltenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Norway.
Michel Vauzelle, Minister of Justice; Member of the French
National Assembly & Chairman of the Foreign Affairs
Committee, Paris.
George Bush, President of the Unites States.
Richard C. Darman, Director, US Office of Management &
Lawrence S. Eagleburger, US Deputy Secretary of State.
Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Board of Governors, US Federal
Reserve System.
Carla A. Hills, US Trade Representatives.
Lowell Murray, Government Leader in the Senate; Canadian
Minister of State for Federal-Provincial Relations.
Donald B. Rice, US Secretary of the Air Force.
Brent Scowcroft, US Assistant to the President for National
Security Affairs.
William C. Winegard, Minister of State (Science &
Technology), Government of Canada.
1. The United States Government Manual 1991/92, Office of the Federal
Register -- National Archives and Records Administration
2. Standard & Poor's Register of Corporations, Directors and
Executives 1991
3. Annual Report 1991/92, The Council on Foreign Relations, Pratt
House, New York City
Good Times - Bad Times - Recession - Depression
Influence or control of money, mail, media, military, IRS, tax courts,
commerce, energy, unions, domestic and foreign policy, etc. provides
an apparent opportunity for massive fraud, robbery, and control of the
American people!
CFR = membership in the Council on Foreign Relations
TC = membership in the Trilateral Commission
"The Council on Foreign Relations is the American Branch of a society
which originated in England...(and)...believes national boundaries should
be obliterated and one-world rule established...
The Trilateral Commission is international...(and)...is intended to be the
vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking
interests by siezing control of the political government of the United
--- "With No Apologies", by former Sen. Barry Goldwater
David Rockefeller
Chairman Emeritus
Peter G. Peterson Paul Volker
Chairman of the North American Chairman of
Council On Foreign Relations The Trilateral Commission
58 E. 68th St. 345 E. 46th St.
New York, NY 10021 New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 734-0400 Phone: (212) 661-1180
Fax: (212) 861-1789
Laurence A. Tisch, CEO CFR
Roswell Gilpatric CFR
James Houghton CFR/TC
Henry Schacht CFR/TC
Dan Rather CFR
Richard Hottelet CFR
Frank Stanton CFR
John F. Welch, Jr., CEO CFR
Jane Pfeiffer CFR
Lester Crystal CFR/TC
R. W. Sonnenfeldt CFR/TC
John Petty CFR
Tom Brokaw CFR
David Brinkley CFR
John Chancellor CFR
Marvin Kalb CFR
Irving R. Levine CFR
Herbert Schlosser CFR
Peter G. Peterson CFR
John Sawhill CFR
Thomas S. Murphy, CEO CFR
Barbara Walters CFR
John Connor CFR
Diane Sawyer CFR
John Scali CFR
Public Broadcast Service (PBS)
Robert MacNeil CFR
Jim Lehrer CFR
Charlane Hunter-Gault CFR
Hodding Carter III CFR
Daniel Schorr CFR
Associated Press (AP)
Stanley Swinton CFR
Harold Anderson CFR
Katherine Graham CFR/TC
Micheal Posner CFR
Baltimore Sun
Henry Trewhitt CFR
Washington Times
Amaud de Borchgrave CFR
Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street)
Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. CFR
Cable News Network (CNN)
W. Thomas Johnson, pres. TC
Daniel Schorr CFR
New York Times
Richard Gelb CFR
William Scranton CFR/TC
John F. Akers, Dir. CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir. CFR
George B. Munroe, Dir. CFR
Donald M. Stewart, Dir. CFR
Cyrus R. Vance, Dir. CFR
A.M. Rosenthal CFR
Seymour Topping CFR
James Greenfield CFR
Max Frankel CFR
Jack Rosenthal CFR
John Oakes CFR
Harrison Salisbury CFR
H.L. Smith CFR
Steven Rattner CFR
Richard Burt CFR
Flora Lewis TC
Time, Inc.
Ralph Davidson CFR
Donald M. Wilson CFR
Henry Grunwald CFR
Alexander Heard CFR
Sol Linowitz CFR/TC
Thomas Watson, Jr. CFR
Strobe Talbott TC
Newsweek/Washington Post
Katherine Graham CFR
N. deB. Katzenbach CFR
Robert Christopher CFR
Osborne Elliot CFR
Phillip Geyelin CFR
Murry Marder CFR
Maynard Parker CFR
George Will CFR/TC
Robert Kaiser CFR
Meg Greenfield CFR
Walter Pincus CFR
Murray Gart CFR
Peter Osnos CFR
Don Oberdorfer CFR
Dow Jones & CO. (Wall Street Journal)
Richard Wood CFR
Robert Bartley CFR/TC
Karen House CFR
National Review
William F. Buckley, Jr. CFR
(no longer with Natl. Rev. last I heard)
Readers Digest
George V. Grune, CEO CFR
William G. Bowen, Dir. CFR
Syndicated columnists
Georgie Anne Geyer CFR
Ben J. Wattenberg CFR
Energy Companies
Exxon Corporation
Lawrence G. Rawl, Chmn. CFR
Lee R. Raymond, Pres. CFR/TC
Jack G. Clarke, Sr. V.P. CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. CFR
D. Wayne Calloway, Dir. CFR
Alfred C. DeCrane, Jr. Chmn. CFR
John Brademas, Dir. CFR/TC
Willard C. Butcher, Dir. CFR
William J. Crowe, Jr., Dir. CFR/TC
John K. McKinley, Dir. CFR
Thomas S. Murphy, Dir. CFR
Atlantic Richfield (ARCO)
Hannah H. Gray, Dir. CFR
Donald M. Kendall, Dir. CFR/TC
Henry Wendt, Dir. TC
Shell Oil, Co.
Frank H. Richardson, CEO CFR
Rand V. Araskog, Dir. CFR/TC
Mobil Corp.
Allan E. Murray, Chmn. & Pres. CFR/TC
Lewis M. Branscomb, Dir. CFR
Samuel C. Johnson, Dir. TC
Helene L. Kaplan, Dir. CFR
Charles S. Sanford, Jr., Dir. CFR
Tenneco, Inc.
James L. Ketelsen, Chmn. CFR
W. Michael Blumenthal, Dir. CFR
Joseph J. Sisco, Dir. CFR
Deere & Co.
Hans W. Becherer, Chmn & CEO CFR
John F. Akers, Chmn. CFR
(no longer with IBM)
C. Michael Armstrong, Sr. V.P. CFR
Amtrak (National RR Passenger Corp.)
William S. Norman, Exec. V.P. CFR
American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T)
Robert E. Allen, Chmn & CEO CFR
Randall L. Tobias, Vice Chmn. CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Dir. CFR/TC
Juanita M. Kreps, Dir. CFR
Donald F. McHenry, Dir. CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir. CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir. CFR
Franklin A. Thomas, Dir. CFR
Rawleigh Warner, Jr., Dir. CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. CFR
Chrysler Corp.
Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Dir. CFR
Peter A. Magowan, Dir. CFR
American Express Co.
James D. Robinson, CEO CFR
Joan Edelman Spero TC
Anne L. Armstrong CFR
William G. Bowen CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr. CFR
Richard M. Furlaud CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. CFR/TC
Henry A. Kissinger CFR/TC
Frank P. Popoff CFR
Robert V. Roosa CFR
Joseph H. Williams CFR
General Motors Corp.
Marina v.N. Whitman, V.P. CFR/TC
Anne L. Armstrong, Dir. CFR
Marvin L. Goldberger, Dir. CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. CFR
Dennis Weatherstone, Dir. CFR
Leon H. Sullivan, Dir. CFR
Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. CFR
Ford Motor Co.
Clifton R. Wharton, Dir. CFR
Roberto C. Golzueta, Dir. CFR
John F. Welch, Jr., Chmn. CFR
David C. Jones CFR
Lewis T. Preston CFR
Frank H.T. Rhodes CFR
Walter B. Wriston CFR
U.S. Executive Branch
William Clinton, Pres. --- CFR, TC, Bilderberg Group
Dick Thornburgh, Asst. Sec. for Administration United Nations --- CFR
Anthony Lake, Natl. Security Adv. --- CFR
Albert Gore, Jr., V.P. --- CFR
Warren Christopher, Sec. of State --- CFR
Les Aspin, Sec. of Defense --- CFR
Colin L. Powell, Chmn., Joint Chiefs of Staff --- CFR
James Woolsey, Dir., CIA --- CFR
Laura Tyson, Chmn., Council of Economic Advisors --- CFR
Lloyd Bentson, Treas. Sec. --- Bilderberg Group, formerly of CFR
Bruce Babbitt, Sec. of Interior --- CFR
Henry Cisneros, Sec. of HUD --- CFR
Donna Shalala, Sec. of Health & Human Services --- CFR/TC
U.S. Judiciary Branch
Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court --- CFR
Steven G. Breyer, Chief Judge U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit,
Boston --- CFR
Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., D.C. Circuit --- CFR
(nominated, and is currently undergoing the approval process for U.S.
Supreme Court)
Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., D.C. Circuit --- CFR
U.S. Institute For Peace
John Norton Moore, Chmn. --- CFR
Elspeth Davies Rostow, Vice Chmn. --- CFR
Samuel W. Lewis, Pres. --- CFR
John Richardson, Counselor --- CFR
David Little, Senior, Scholar --- CFR
William R. Kintner, Dir. --- CFR
W. Scott Thompson, Dir. --- CFR
Office of U.S. Trade Rep.
Gary R. Edson, Chief of Staff & Counselor --- CFR
Joshua Bolten, Gen. Counsel --- CFR
Daniel M. Price, Deputy Gen. Counsel --- CFR
Treasury Department
Roger Altman, Deputy Sec. --- CFR
Robert R. Glauber, Under Sec., Finance --- CFR
David C. Mulford, Under Sec., Intnatl. Affairs --- CFR
Robert M. Bestani, Dep. Asst. Sec., Intnatl. Monetary Affairs --- CFR
J. French Hill, Dep. Asst. Sec., Intnatl. Monetary Affairs --- CFR
Office of Technology Assessment
Joshua Lederberg, V. Chmn. Adv. Council --- CFR
John H. Gibbons, Dir. --- CFR
Lewis M. Branscomb, Adv. Council --- CFR
Environmental Protection Agency
James M. Strock, Asst. Adm., Enforcement & Compliance --- CFR
African Development Fund
Leonard H. Robinson, Jr., Pres. --- CFR
White House Staff
George Stephanopoulos, Dir., Communications --- CFR
(moved to another position)
William J. Crowe, Chief Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board --- CFR/TC
Nancy Soderberg, Staff Dir., Natl. Security Council --- CFR
Samuel R. Berger, Deputy Advisor, Natl. Security --- CFR
W. Bowman Cutter, Deputy Asst., Natl. Economic Council --- CFR
Office of Management & Budget (OMB)
Alice Rivlin, Deputy Dir. --- CFR
Export-Import Bank
John D. Macomber, Pres. & Chmn. --- CFR
Eugene K. Lawson, 1st V.P. & Vice Chmn. --- CFR
Rita M. Rodriguez, Dir. --- CFR
Hart Fessenden, Gen. Council --- CFR
Office of Science & Technology
William R. Graham, Jr., Science Advisor to President & Director --- CFR
Library of Congress
James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn. Trust Fund Board --- CFR
Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst. Librarian, Natl. Programs --- CFR
National Science Foundation
Frank H.T. Rhodes, Board of Directors --- CFR
James B. Holderman, Board of Directors --- CFR
D. Allen Bromley, Board of Directors --- CFR
U.S. Arms Control & Disarmament Agency
Thomas Graham, Jr., General Council --- CFR
William Schneider, Chmn., General Advisory Council --- CFR
Richard Burt, Negotiator on Strategic Defense Arms --- CFR
David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space --- CFR
Federal Judicial Center
William W. Schwarzer, Dir. --- CFR
Department of State
Madeleine Albright, U.N. Ambassador --- CFR
Clifton Wharton, Jr., Deputy Sec. --- CFR
Lynn Davis, Under Sec. For Intnatl. Security Affairs --- CFR/TC
Brandon H. Grove, Dir. of Foreign Service Institute --- CFR
H. Allen Holmes, Asst. Sec. Bureau of Politico - Military Affairs --- CFR
John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec. Near East - South Asian Affairs --- CFR
Alexander F. Watson, Deputy Rep., U.N. --- CFR
Jonathan Moore, U.N. Mission --- CFR
Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol --- CFR
Dennis B. Ross, Dir. Policy Planning Staff --- CFR
Edward Perkins, Dir. of Personnel --- CFR
Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor --- CFR
Peter Tarnoff, Under Sec. For Political Affairs --- CFR/TC
Brian Atwood, Under Sec. For Management --- CFR
Joan E. Spero, Under Sec. Eco. & Ag. Affairs --- CFR
George E. Moose, Asst. Sec. African Affairs --- CFR
Winston Lord, Asst. Sec. East Asian & Pacific Affairs --- CFR/TC
Stephen A. Oxman, Asst. Sec. European Affairs --- CFR
Timothy E. Wirth, Counselor --- CFR
(retired senator of Colorado)
Strobe Talbott, Special Advisor for C.I.S. --- CFR
Thomas R. Pickering, Russia --- CFR
Morton I. Abramowitz, Turkey --- CFR
Michael H. Armacost, Japan --- CFR
Shirley Temple Black, Czechoslovakia --- CFR
(AKA Shirley Temple)
Julie Chang Boch, Nepal --- CFR
Henry E. Catto, Jr., Great Britain --- CFR
Frances Cook, Camaroon --- CFR
Edward Pl Djerejian, Syria --- CFR
George E. Moose, Senegal --- CFR
John D. Negroponte, Mexico --- CFR
Edward N. Ney, Canada --- CFR
Robert B. Oakley, Pakistan --- CFR
Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr., Tunisia --- CFR
Christopher H. Phillips, Brunei --- CFR
Nicholas Platt, Phillipines --- CFR
James W. Spain, Maldives & Sri Lanka --- CFR
Terence A. Todman, Argentina --- CFR
Frank G. Wisner II, Egypt --- CFR
Warren Zimmerman, Yugoslavia --- CFR
United States Congress
David L. Boren (D), OK CFR
William Bradley (D), NJ CFR
John H. Chafee (R), RI CFR/TC
William S. Cohen (R), ME CFR/TC
Christopher J. Dodd (D), CT CFR
Dianne Feinstein (D), CA TC
Bob Graham (D), FL CFR
Joseph I. Lieberman (D), CT CFR
George J. Mitchell (D), ME CFR
Claiborne Pell (D), RI CFR
Larry Pressler (R), SD CFR
Charles S. Robb (D), VA CFR/TC
John D. Rockefeller, IV (D), WV CFR/TC
William Roth, Jr. (R), DE CFR/TC
Howard L. Berman (D), CA CFR
Thomas S. Foley (D), WA CFR
Sam Gejdenson (D), CT CFR
Richard A. Gephardt (D), MO CFR
Newton L. Gingrich (R), GA CFR
Lee H. Hamilton (D), IN TC
Amory Houghton, Jr. (R), NY CFR
Nancy Lee Johnson (R), CT CFR
Jim Leech (R), IA TC
John Lewis (D), GA CFR
Robert T. Matsui (D), CA CFR
Dave K. McCurdy (D), OK CFR
Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), D.C. (delegate) CFR
Thomas E. Petri (R), WI CFR
Charles B. Rangel (D), NY TC
Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo (D), PR CFR
Patricia Schroeder (D), CO CFR
Peter Smith (R) VT CFR
Olympia J. Snow (R) ME CFR
John M. Spratt (D), SC CFR
Louis Stokes (D), OH CFR
Business & Industry Leaders
Richard D. Wood, CEO, Eli Lily & Co. --- CFR
Richard M. Furlaud, CEO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. --- CFR
Frank Peter Popoff, CEO, Dow Chemical Co. --- CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir., 3M, RJR Nabisco, Union Carbide --- CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, former CEO, TRW, Inc. --- CFR
Henry B. Schacht, CEO, Cummins Engines --- CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., CEO, Pfizer, Inc. --- CFR
Rand V. Araskog, CEO, ITT Corp. --- CFR/TC
W. Michael Blumenthal, Chmn. UNISYS Corp. --- CFR
Joseph John Sisco, Dir., GEICO, Raytheon, Gilette --- CFR
J. Fred Bucy, former Pres., CEO, Texas Instruments (TI) --- CFR
Paul A. Allaire, Chmn, CEO, Xerox Corp. --- TC
Dwayne O. Andreas, Chmn, CEO, Archer Midland Daniels (AMD) --- TC
James E. Burke, Chmn., CEO Em., Johnson & Johnson --- TC
D. Wayne Calloway, Chmn., CEO, PepsiCo --- TC
Frank C. Carlucci, Vice Chmn., The Carlyle Group --- TC
Lynn E. Davis, V.P., Dir., RAND Corp. --- TC
Stephen Friedman, Sr. V.P., Co-Chmn., Goldman, Sachs --- TC
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Chmn., CEO, RJR Nabisco --- TC
Joseph T. Gorman, Chmn., Pres., CEO, TRW Inc. --- TC
Maurice R. Greenberg, Chmn., CEO, American Intnatl. Group --- TC
Robert D. Haas, Chmn., CEO, Levi Strauss --- TC
David J. Hennigar, Chmn., Crownx, V. Chmn., Crown Life --- TC
Robert D. Hormats, V. Chmn., Goldman Sachs Intnatl. --- TC
James R. Houghton, Chmn., CEO. Corning Inc. --- TC
Donald R. Keough, Pres., CEO, The Coca Cola Co. --- TC
Henry A. Kissinger, Chmn., Kissinger Assoc. --- TC
Whitney MacMillan, Chmn., CEO, Cargill, Inc. --- TC
Robert S. McNamara, former Pres., The World Bank --- TC
William D. Ruckeishaus, Chmn., CEO, Browning-Ferris Ind. --- TC
David Stockman, Gen. Partner, The Blackstone Group --- TC
Henry Wendt, Chmn., SmithKline Beecham --- TC
Federal Reserve System (Past & Present) - Partial Listing
The Federal Reserve System and Bank is a privately owned corporation
established by act of Congress. By its control of the money supply and
the interest rate, it effectively controls the economy of the United
Alan Greenspan, Chmn. --- CFR/TC
E. Gerald Corrigan, V. Chmn., Pres., NY Fed. Res. Bank --- CFR
Richard N. Cooper, Chmn., Boston --- CFR
Sam Y. Cross, Mgr. Foreign Open Market Acct. --- CFR
Robert F. Erburu, Chmn., San Fran. --- CFR
Robert P. Forrestal, Pres., Atlanta --- CFR
Bobby R. Inman, Chmn., Dallas --- CFR/TC
Robert H. Knight, Esq. --- CFR
Steven Muller --- CFR
John R. Opel --- CFR
Anthony M. Solomon --- CFR/TC
Edwin M. Truman, Staff Dir. Intnatl. Finance --- CFR
Cyrus R. Vance --- CFR
Paul Volcker --- CFR/TC
Chase Manhattan Corp.
Thomas G. Labrecque, Chmn. & CEO CFR/TC
Robert R. Douglass, V. Chmn. CFR
Willard C. Butcher, Dir. CFR
Richard W. Lyman, Dir. CFR
Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir. CFR
David T. McLaughlin, Dir. CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. CFR
Henry B. Schacht, Dir. CFR
Chemical Bank
Walter V. Shipley, Chmn. CFR
Robert J. Callander, Pres. CFR
William C. Pierce, Exec. Off. CFR
Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir. CFR
George V. Grune, Dir. CFR
Helen L. Kaplan, Dir. CFR
Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir. CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Dir. CFR
Richard D. Wood, Dir. CFR
John S. Reed, Chmn. CFR
William R. Rhodes, V. Chmn. CFR
Richard S. Braddock, Pres. CFR
John M. Deutch, Dir. CFR
Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., Dir. CFR
C. Peter McColough, Dir. CFR
Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir. CFR
Franklin A. Thomas CFR
First City Bancorp, Texas
A. Robert Abboud, CEO CFR
Morgan Guaranty
Lewis T. Preston, Chmn. CFR
Bankers Trust New York Corp.
Charles S. Stanford, Jr., Chmn. CFR
Alfred Brittain III, Dir. CFR
Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Dir. CFR
Richard L. Gelb, Dir. CFR
Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir. CFR
First National Bank of Chicago
Barry F. Sullivan TC
Manufacturers Hanover Directors
Cyrus Vance CFR
G. Robert Durham CFR
George B. Munroe CFR
Marina V. N. Whitman CFR/TC
Charles J. Pilliod, Jr. CFR
Bank America
Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir. CFR
Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir. CFR
Ruben F. Mettler, Dir. CFR
Securities & Exchange Commission
Michael D. Mann, Dir. Intnatl. Affairs CFR
U.S. Military
Department of Defense
Les Aspin, Sec. of Defense --- CFR
Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Sec. for Policy --- CFR
Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec. Intnatl. Security Affairs --- CFR
Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. for Manpower --- CFR
Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Facilities & Arms Control
--- CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec. Europe & NATO --- CFR
Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chmn., Defense Policy Board --- CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research & Engineering --- CFR
Andrew W. Marshall, Dir. Net Assessment --- CFR
Michael P.W. Stone, Sec. of the Army --- CFR
Donald B. Rice, Sec. of the Air Force --- CFR
Allied Supreme Commanders
1949-52 Eisenhower CFR
1952-53 Ridgeway CFR
1953-56 Gruenther CFR
1956-63 Norstad CFR
1963-69 Lemnitzer CFR
1969-74 Goodpaster CFR
1974-79 Haig CFR
1979-87 Rogers CFR/TC
Superintendents U.S. Military Academy at West Point
1960-63 Westmoreland CFR
1963-66 Lampert CFR
1966-68 Bennett CFR
1970-74 Knowlton CFR
1974-77 Berry CFR
1977-81 Goodpaster CFR
CFR Military Fellows, 1991
Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF
Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC
Col. Jack B. Wood, USA
CFR Military Fellows, 1992
Col. David M. Mize, USMC
Col. John P. Rose, USA
Joint Chiefs of Staff
Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chmn. --- CFR
Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army --- CFR
Gen. John T. Chain, CO SAC --- CFR
Gen. Merrill A. McPeak, CO Pac AF --- CFR
Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir. Strat. Plans & Policy --- CFR
Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ. --- CFR
Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, A.F. Inspector General --- CFR
Secretaries of Defense
1957-59 McElroy CFR
1959-61 Gates CFR
1961-68 McNamara CFR/TC
1969-73 Laird CFR
1973-75 Richardson CFR/TC
1975-77 Rumsfeld CFR
1977-80 Brown CFR/TC
1980-88 Weinberger CFR/TC
1988- Carlucci CFR
1988- Cheney CFR
Additional Military
M.G. R.C. Bowman CFR
B.G. F. Brown CFR
Lt. Col. W. Clark CFR
Adm. Wm. Crowe CFR
Col. P.M. Dawkins CFR
V. Adm. Thor Hanson CFR
Col. W. Hauser CFR
Maj. R. Kimmitt CFR
Gen. W. Knowlton CFR
V. Adm. J. Lee CFR
Col. D. Mead CFR
M.G. Jack Merritt CFR
Gen. E. Meyer CFR
Col. Wm. E. Odom CFR
Col. L. Olvey CFR
Col. Geo. K. Osborn CFR
M.G. J. Pustay CFR
L.G. E.L. Rowny CFR
Capt. Gary Sick CFR
M.G. De Witt Smith CFR
B.G. Perry Smith CFR
Lt. G. Wm. Y. Smith CFR
Col. W. Taylor CFR
Adm. S. Turner CFR
M.G. J. Welch CFR
Gen. J. Wickham CFR
Labor Union Leaders
Jay Mazur, Internatl. Ladies' Garment Workers Union --- CFR/TC
Jack Sheinkman, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union --- CFR
Albert Shanker, Pres., American Federation of Teachers --- CFR/TC
Glenn E. Watts, Communication Workers of America --- CFR/TC
University Professors
Graham Allison, Prof. of Gov., Harvard Univ. --- TC
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Prof., Johns Hopkins --- TC
Gerald L. Curtis, Prof. of Poli. Sci., Columbus Univ. --- TC
Martin S. Feldstein, Prof. of Econ., Harvard Univ. --- TC
Richard N. Gardner, Prof. of Law, Columbia Univ. --- TC
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Prof. of Intnatl. Affairs, Harvard Univ. --- TC
Robert D. Putnam, Prof. of Politics, Harvard Univ. --- TC
Henry Rosovsky, Prof., Harvard Univ. --- TC
George P. Shultz, Hon. Fellow, Stanford Univ. --- TC
Lester C. Thorow, Dean, Sloan School of Mgmt., MIT --- TC
Paul Volker, Prof. Intnatl. Econ., Princeton Univ. --- TC
College & University Presidents
Robert H. Edwards, Bowdoin College --- CFR
Vartan Gregorian, Brown Univ. --- CFR
Hanna Holborn Gray, Univ. of Chicago --- CFR
Joseph S. Murphy, City Univ. of NY --- CFR
Michael I. Sovern, Columbia Univ. --- CFR
Frank H.T. Rhodes, Cornell Univ. --- CFR
James T. Laney, Emory Univ. --- CFR
Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, Fordham Univ. --- CFR
Thomas Ehrlich, Indiana Univ. --- CFR
Steven Muller, Johns Hopkins Univ. --- CFR
Alice S. Lichman, Sarah Lawrence College --- CFR
Edward T. Foote, II, Univ. of Miami --- CFR
S. Frederick Starr, Oberlin College --- CFR/TC
Joseph Duffey, Chanselor, Univ. of Mass. --- CFR
John M. Deutch, Institute Prof., MIT --- CFR/TC
Lester C. Thurow, Dean, Sloan School (of Mgmt.?), MIT --- CFR
Bernard Harleston, City College of New York --- CFR
John Brademus, New York Univ. --- CFR/TC
Wesley W. Posvar, Univ. of Pittsburg --- CFR
Harold T. Shapiro, Princeton Univ. --- CFR
Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Chmn., Rice Univ. --- CFR
Dennis O'Brien, Univ. of Rochester --- CFR
David Baltimore, Rockefeller Univ. --- CFR
Donald Kennedy, Stanford Univ. --- CFR
Richard Wall Lyman, Pres. Em., Stanford --- CFR
Hans M. Mark, Chanselor, Univ. of Texas --- CFR
Robert H. Donaldson, Univ. of Tulsa --- CFR
Stephen J. Trachtenberg, George Washington Univ. --- CFR
William H. Danforth, Washington Univ., St. Louis --- CFR
John D. Wilson, Washington & Lee Univ. --- CFR
Nannerl O. Keohane, Wellesley Univ. --- CFR
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